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Lacordaire Faculty Fellows Program

The Lacordaire Faculty Fellows Program brings together an intentional, interdisciplinary, and collaborative community of faculty to explore questions pertaining to the human person and to inspire mission integration in teaching and pedagogy. In doing so, it provides mutual support for intellectual, spiritual, and pedagogical development.

The theme of the Lacordaire Faculty Fellows Program for AY ’24-’25 is “Reasoned Belief.” The Lacordaire Fellows will meet throughout the academic year to recreate and discuss Plato’s Meno and Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The group will explore questions regarding reasoned and unreasoned belief, fact and value, and the relationship between faith and reason.

Current Lacordaire Fellows

Fr. Christopher Justin Brophy, O.P.

Director, Center for Catholic and Dominican Studies
Assistant Professor of Political Science

Howley Hall 310

Dr. Mary Harmon-Vukic

Senior Fellow
Associate Professor of Psychology

Sowa 0121